Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: GMAIL, anyone?

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

GMAIL, anyone?

Heya folks. Did I forget to mention, that I have 3 Gmail invites yet to give away? I guess I did forget. Ah well. Anywho, I'll give 'em to anyone that wants one. Just email me. First 3 requests gets them. Later mastubators.


Blogger .Mix said...

by far the laziest, most horribly commercialised site ever to be produced by the trash of north america

4:47 AM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Nigga, please. Lazy? Most certainly. Commercialized? hahahahahaha WhatEVER. That's the stupidest comment of all 3 comments I've ever recieved. Just how is it commercialized? Because I post links that I find interesting and thought I'd share? Thanks for the laugh, bubba. By the way, I thought I'd check your site. ( Only one critique. It is by far more boring than mine. It's "Me, me, me. Blah, blah, me. Me, blah, me, me, me." But, it IS a weBLOG after all. So, blog on my friend.

4:49 PM  

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