Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: mmm Bacon. mmm...Squirrel...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

mmm Bacon. mmm...Squirrel...

It's been a week since I last updated. What a slacker. But it's been a busy week. My girls are finally home. YaY! So I haven't come online much at all. Anywho, here be some linkage for you to peruse.

I had a haircut this week. Lookin good baybeee.

Oh great. Why can't we all just get along?

Ever gave any thought to how Ninja's work? Me too.

Ever gave any thought to how a lion would eat a man? Me too. (Adults Only)

See what happens to a State when it's cut off from the rest of the United States? The Canadian way of thinking rubs off on it. Go Alaska!

Finally. A drink made for people named Terry, Gregory, Brad, Brent, etc.

Some good ole fashioned animal porn for you.


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