Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: Today is Friday

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Today is Friday

That's right. Today is MY Friday, as I have taken tomorrow as a holiday, Monday too, so that I could pick up my girls at the airport. Finally. After 2 whole months. Cripes. So I have got to clean this place. For 2 months, I've lived as a bachelor. So you can imagine how much cleaning I've done in that time. So let's get right to some good stuff, shall we?

Here is something that I want so bad. And no, you pervs, I don't mean sex. Although... <--(Adults Only)

Give the little shit his motherfuckin change already.

For the schoes that work at a desk all day. I give you... wastebasketball I and II.

XP Lite? You gotta be kidding.

Well, I'm a waste like you, with nothing else to do. May I waste your time too?

Just out of curiousity, how do YOU pop your zits?

This is something the female readers will really enjoy. ;)

Now this is fun. Kill your opponent. May the best hunter win.

Motorbiker VS Bambi

How well do you know YOUR senses? I got 15 out of 20. I'm a 'sensitive' soul.

I'm hungry. Later masturbators.


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