Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: Labor Day Weekend

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Labor Day Weekend

Weee... I'm bored. Man, is it just me, or do I not update this thingamajig enough? Ah well. I'll try to do better. For now, here is some interesting sites.

First off, check out these sites. They are fictional diaries, updated daily for the most part, about how the world has ended because of zombie outbreaks. They are very cool. Start from the very beginning, and read up till the latest entry. The first one is by a guy who calls himself Raptorman. Go to the Journal and start in the January entry. The second one is by Alpha_Dog. His was the first of its kind. This is his site, but start at the beginning, which was in July of 2002. Very good reads. Don't expect to finish them in one sitting however.

How could ANYone be afraid of clowns? I just don't get it.

By the way, don't forget to vote for my site (on the far right) everytime you come here. Thanks a bunch. :D

This one made me cringe.

This one was pretty good. Gotta have the spooky sound to accompany it. It tells you when and how you will die. OooOo0o.....

Want another addictive game to play? TEXT. My high score so far is only 25. Tell me yours.

Play around with the switches for a while to see what happens.

Well, that's it for now. Gonna go watch a movie.


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