Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: August 2004

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Hahaha As if. Don't they know that L337 h4x0rs don't HAVE sex?


Saturday, August 21, 2004

mmm Bacon. mmm...Squirrel...

It's been a week since I last updated. What a slacker. But it's been a busy week. My girls are finally home. YaY! So I haven't come online much at all. Anywho, here be some linkage for you to peruse.

I had a haircut this week. Lookin good baybeee.

Oh great. Why can't we all just get along?

Ever gave any thought to how Ninja's work? Me too.

Ever gave any thought to how a lion would eat a man? Me too. (Adults Only)

See what happens to a State when it's cut off from the rest of the United States? The Canadian way of thinking rubs off on it. Go Alaska!

Finally. A drink made for people named Terry, Gregory, Brad, Brent, etc.

Some good ole fashioned animal porn for you.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Today is Friday

That's right. Today is MY Friday, as I have taken tomorrow as a holiday, Monday too, so that I could pick up my girls at the airport. Finally. After 2 whole months. Cripes. So I have got to clean this place. For 2 months, I've lived as a bachelor. So you can imagine how much cleaning I've done in that time. So let's get right to some good stuff, shall we?

Here is something that I want so bad. And no, you pervs, I don't mean sex. Although... <--(Adults Only)

Give the little shit his motherfuckin change already.

For the schoes that work at a desk all day. I give you... wastebasketball I and II.

XP Lite? You gotta be kidding.

Well, I'm a waste like you, with nothing else to do. May I waste your time too?

Just out of curiousity, how do YOU pop your zits?

This is something the female readers will really enjoy. ;)

Now this is fun. Kill your opponent. May the best hunter win.

Motorbiker VS Bambi

How well do you know YOUR senses? I got 15 out of 20. I'm a 'sensitive' soul.

I'm hungry. Later masturbators.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Whatcha think?


Bonjourno. Howdy. What's up. Just two more sleeps until my girls come home. I am very excited. Ecstatic is the word, methinks. It has been two whole months since they left for the great state of Missouri. Two very long, and often very depressing months. Don't get me wrong, having the queen size bed all to myself was pretty sweet. But having a woman in the same bed is far better. I'm tired of throwing my hand in bed and raping it. The computer nerds/geeks of the world know what I'm talkin bout. ANYwho, in two days my little monkey baby Celeste will run and give her daddy a great big hug. Just thinkin about it is makin me feel ferklempt... Talk amongst yourselves... I'll give you a topic... The George Bush's daughters VS John Kerry's daughter. Who's hotter? Discuss. Okay. I'm alright now. Well, obviously there's nothing on TV or this may or may not be much shorter. But I've some good links for y'all.

First up, let me ask you, how do you know when you should lose weight? Maybe it's when you become ATTACHED TO YOUR COUCH.

Just when I thought I was king of bringing girls to orgasm...

This guy must have parked a la Austin Power style.

There's some guys who think Britney Spears is the bomb. I'm of the opinio that her face just ain't right. Her eyes seem too far apart. Mebbe it's just me...

Jackie would probably say that I should get one of these for myself... Yeah. As if. Then I wouldn't get to bask in it. Everyone loves their own brand, dontchaknow.

Time to find the faces! I found 11. I am extremely observer. haha.

American Muscle cars VS Japanese Ricers. A funny lil video.

There's a website for every type of fetish known to man. I give you... AmpuLove.

This is my pick of the day. Spiderman... reviews crayons. Awesome possum.

Nothin can top Spidey. So I won't try. Think I'll go have a goodnight dump before bed. Goodnight.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Porn? Me no look at porn. That bad. Me good.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Only 1 week until my lil monkey comes home.

A New Post! Dude, no way!

Way. A couple people, and by that I mean one, mentioned that I haven't updated in awhile. Yeah well, I was tired, and lazy. Mostly lazy. But actually today, I am quite tired. I worked until 6 pm. Making 2 hours overtime. Now I feel so beat, my muscles so wasted... Bah. No one cares. Not one person in the world. Honestly, do you care? No. You're sitting there, thinking to yourself, "You're right, I don't care". I know that I wouldn't give a rats ass. What a world. Now I see that I'm just blathering on and on. Bite me. I have no coke in the house, and I haven't had any all day. Fuck. So anyways, how's about some good stuff to check out? Click away mon ami's.

Here's the Top Ten Cutest Kitties in the world.

Archipelago. A flash game. Give it a whirl. Let me know if you're able to finish it.

John Titor's story. Read everything. Including the links on the left. I'm half convinced. Whatcha think? Are you?

VERY COOL. It's a great fight between a Predator and an Alien. From the new movie Alien VS Predator. Awesome, possum.

A homemade video that someone was able to take of the new Batmobile during filming of the new Batman Begins movie.

Um. For those that may or may not be fans of the Olsen Twins. (Adults only)

So... THAT'S why I like Dodge so much...

Well, Big Brother 5 is going to start in a few, so I am outta here. If anyone has any good links or pictures they would like me to post, email me at I would be happy to oblige. Or, just email to say Hi. Whatever. I need Coke. Ciao.

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