Thoughts of a cRaZySoB

Thursday, April 28, 2005



Blogger MRSX said...

Im going to take a stab in the dark here and go with the white kid with the striped shirt. People dont wear these. These should only be worn in certain counties in OH and frequent visits to Santa Ana for the weekly supply of heroin

10:41 PM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Forgive me, I have to disagree. I think it's the kid with his hand on the other kid. WTF? Not even a teenager and he's already groping other kids, of the same sex no less. What kind of depraved society breeds this kind of sexual deviant? Cripes. OBviously, they're from the States... ;)

12:53 AM  
Blogger MRSX said...

This is what happens when you raise kids on the blue box of macaroni and cheese and red kool aid. Oh yeah and George Michael.

So you're up huh? I just took a muscle relaxer so I might get some sleep tonight. I dont like taking them as they make me sick but I really need a few hours.

What you been down to mine friend? Check out the link on my blog- Cheers. Some funny cats.

1:06 AM  
Blogger MRSX said...

By the way just caught the states comment.

California is an island isnt it?? If not we have Arnold and although hes gone flabby Im sure he could still pop the tikes wearing the stripes.

Dont we have enough stripes on the damn flag. Urrr

1:07 AM  

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