Thoughts of a cRaZySoB

Wednesday, April 06, 2005



Blogger MRSX said...

Hey I think that kid peed on my when I was litto. Like your blogs. Definitely my kind of people...


9:22 PM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Thank you Mrs. X. Yours is the first comment I've had in millenia.

11:56 PM  
Blogger MRSX said...

Try to remember here in the US the majority of the population is either iliterate or hooked on the enquirer magazine. Maybe if you talk about Paris Hilton or Brittne Spears people will actually read your blog


12:27 PM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Well, hell, if all it takes is Paris Hilton, I've tons of pics of that yummy lil treat. ;)

2:10 PM  
Blogger MRSX said...

If that doesnt work maybe you can try showing a little nipple. I dont mean little like the pic thats already up. Actually yeah I guess that is what I mean.

Anyways, what were we talking about???

Oh yeah hopscotch. Do you think anyone has ever made a serious career of hopscotch? This is the shit they teach us in school soo I ask.. why isnt there professional hopscotch. Or Chinese jumprope for that matter?

11:23 AM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Well, Mrs X, may I call you X? No? Ok. Well anyways, you mentioned you would like to see hopscotch as a professional sport or competition. I would have to agree with you. Because, why the hell not, I ask you? If they throw rocks down the ice and sweep the ice with brooms and call that the sport of Curling, then surely tossing a rock on the street that had been previously grafitti'd with chalk and jumpin all over it can be called a sport. If Dodgeball can, then I say BRING ON HOPSCOTCH BAYBEEEEE!!!1 But, I digress. For jumprope, I believe there already is some sort of competition for it. Though, I doubt you'll be seeing it on any networks anytime soon.

12:21 PM  
Blogger MRSX said...

Too funny. Thank you for the informative information.

8:42 PM  

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