Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: Tuesday? Toooonie Tuesday

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tuesday? Toooonie Tuesday

The world is full of asshole's, and yes, I am one of them. Who gives a fuck. Not this cRaZy S.O.B. ANYwho... it's toonie Tuesday at KFC... num nums. For anyone not Canadian, that means you can get a Kentucky Fried Chicken meal for 2 bucks (toonie). Except that too is a bunch of horseshit, cuz they raised the price to $2.22. Ohforfuckssakes....

Here, go play....

Oh man... talk about HOT.

This city needs to be burnt down.

Baaahahaha. Spongebong Hemppants. Check. It. Out.


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