Thoughts of a cRaZySoB

Friday, April 15, 2005

For God's sake people, be careful who you have cybersex with. Take it from me.... :( hahaha Just Jokes.........


Blogger MRSX said...

That is my Crazysob. I just peed a little. Shouldt surprise you by now! Where have you been hiding punk. Been busy keeping pancakes happy?

I miss you focker.

8:22 PM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

You peed? Awww what a waste. Coulda had a golden shower.

11:47 PM  
Blogger MRSX said...

Dirty old man. I guess I could always pee in a cup and mail it to you. Anything I can do to help a fellow perv

~G'night birch

3:04 AM  
Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Dirty? Ok ok I am. Man? I'm all man baby. But old? C'mon now, I'm having enough issues turning 30 in July without havin some chick callin me old. ;)

1:26 PM  

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