Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: This one's for ADULTS ONLY. Kids, go to bed.

Monday, July 05, 2004

This one's for ADULTS ONLY. Kids, go to bed.

I don't want know your name. All I want BANGBANGBANG!

This link is just a little bit disturbing, to say the least.

Just a few Playmates for the boys. Enjoy.

Who doesn't enjoy a good camel toe?

And who among us doesn't enjoy a good game of Solitaire?

This one is... ah...I'd have to call it... hmmm.. well it's... I dunno what the hell to say. You decide.

God Bless America!

WTF? Click on the thumbnails to see larger image... If you really want to.

Ooopsie doodles!!

That's it for now. See y'all on the other side.


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