Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: A Non-Smoker's Rant

Saturday, July 03, 2004

A Non-Smoker's Rant

I'm serious. The governments of the world should forget about the cheesy war in Iraq and talk about something that actually matters - declaring Earth a non-smoking planet. Why? Because cancer and an angry ozone layer fail to create a delightful combination, let alone all the other reasons why smoking is stupid - trash, smelly people, and self esteem (for people who smoke to fit in [fucking dorks]).

Think about it. You've been smoking for several years and you've finally been diagnosed with cancer and the smog index is high in your area. What do you think is going to happen? You got it. You're a dead motherfucker now Leroy. According to The Truth web site, “smoking kills more people than AIDS, murder, suicide, fires, alcohol and all illegal drugs combined.” Calculate the numbers yourself then add one, because you have to make sure you count yourself...if you're a smoker. Subtract one if you're a non smoker.

I don’t understand why people smoke because it’s disgusting. I decided I wasn’t going to smoke once I read what the Surgeon General had to say about how cigarette smoking causes cancer. If that isn’t enough to scare one away from a pathetic habit, I don’t know what is. Maybe people can’t comprehend the seriousness of a disease that eats humans alive.

Cigarette smoke resembles the smell of symbolic diarrhea. I hate when people smoke just moments before entering work or class because they smell terrible. The stale, foul odor lingers disgustingly across the horizon of the room and ruins the air previously known as clean. Yes, smokers, you reek like mad.

The fact that you reek isn’t the worst thing about you. Your lack of consideration for others is, and you're forever known as a retard for smoking. IQ scores don’t matter if you can’t comprehend the seriousness of cancer.

Smokers are also rude. They nonchalantly drop cigarette butts on the ground, out the window, and anywhere else they choose. They're littering. Even if ashtrays are provided in public places, the majority of the smoking fools still litter. If only smokers would be fined for this ridiculous amount of littering. For example, Bobby lung cancer smokes 20 cigs a day and throws them all on the ground or out his car window. The average littering penalty is a $300.00 fine. Do the math and tell me if you're health and bankroll can handle it.

On top of the fines I wish would occur, I can't even walk into a work/class building without having to venture through a cloud of airy phlegm. Even worse, I can't walk from one building to another without being Nascar'ed behind an overweight smoker that's too damn fat for me to take the inside lane.

Another concept about smoking I can never grasp is the fact that there’s an image behind it that supposedly makes smokers look cool, yet it only makes them look like bumbling idiots with emphysema sticks bopping up and down on tainted lips.

Girls who smoke are the worst. I’ve seen a few girls who were drop-dead gorgeous, but at the spark of a cheap lighter, they became "butt-ugly". And I’m sure their personality wasn’t spectacular enough to puff about either, because if they were that great of a person, they would never smoke in the first place.

In sophomoric conclusion, you're an idiot if you smoke.


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