Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: First Post

Saturday, July 03, 2004

First Post

Shit if I know what to put in a frickin blog. What the hell do I gotta say? Let's see... It's now 2 days after Canada Day (wooo...) I turn 29 years old in 6 days (weee...) I am married to a beautiful young woman named Jackie. We have a gorgeous baby girl who we've named Celeste (I picked the name). Right now they're both in Missouri visiting Jackie's folks, thus the time to type down crap for whoever the hell would read this. Anyways, when I think of anything else for this, I'll be sure to put it in. Ciao for now.

Steven aka cRaZySoB


Blogger cRaZySoB said...

Just testin the ole comment thinger. While I'm at it, I'll test using links. THIS is for people who don't know what a Google is.

1:47 AM  

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