Thoughts of a cRaZySoB: FYI

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Finished watching Big Brother 5 a little while ago. Looks like it's gonna be a very good season, btw. Anyways, I decide to celebrate the excellent season opener by having a great big crap. All went well, thankyouforasking. But... now the smell is permeating throughout the house. Cripes. Now it's a known fact that people don't mind, nay, enjoy their own brand of odor. But this stench takes the cake. I can't take it. Now I know what others go through when I let one rip... Woe is me...

Psst. Wanna see my desktop? Check it out...

I'm kinda hungry.... What to eat, what to eat.... Hey! Stay away from my noodles!

Hey, it's a parade! Yay!

Well, I'm tired. Time for bed. Ciao for now.


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